Small, Big Wins

Dr. Ali Khwaja, B.Tech. (IIT),MIE, MIIE and Ph.D in behavioral sciences, is a counselor, author, principal faculty, life skills coach, and most importantly a perpetual student. He is the author of 30 books and nearly 80 booklets. He is regularly invited by many prestigious and reputed Schools, Colleges, Universities, NGOs, Corporates and various other institutions for lectures, talks and workshops. He is an advocate of “go with the flow” philosophy and believes you should cherish each and every moment of life as it comes. “Mai akela hee chala tha, log aate gaye, karavaan banta gaya” and thus was born the Banjara Academy.

There is a very interesting story behind the distinctive name “Banjara Academy” which you will hear in the podcast. The organization is selflessly helping individuals who seek guidance in child, adolescent, family, and interpersonal emotional issues since 1983 and believes in enriching the quality of people’s lives through empowerment. It is one of the few organizations from India to be granted full membership of the World Federation of Mental Health, with voting rights. For more details, I have given their website link in the links section.

This short conversation with Dr. Ali has touched on a variety of topics and enlightened me on its way. I am sure you will also feel the same after listening to this podcast.

Show Notes

What is Small, Big Wins?

Small Big Wins started in middle of 2020. The primary objective has been to talk to people who are not so famous or known but have done exceptional work. Most of these conversations are with people who have done some real solid social good, while also holding up their selflessness. Their wins in their own words. You be the judge, whether Small or Big.

Coming to my latest conversations with Swami Atmananda Saraswati ji, I would first share in a few words my own journey of searching the higher. This started somewhere in 2012, from reading, listening to Osho, then spending months at Isha Foundation Ashram doing everything in the book there, listening to some globally “famous” masters, I ended up at home. Home meaning our own timeless Indian scriptures – Bhagwad Gita, RamCharit Manas, Upanishads, which reveal that, where only a few blessed revel. I learnt about Adi Shankaracharya and his contribution to Sanatan Dharma. Hearing discourses from different masters, once I came across a discourse on “Atma Bodha” by Swami Atmanada Saraswati. When I tried to google him, I could not find anything. Somehow deep down the searches, I found some co-ordinates to reach him. This resulted in increased interactions and my knowledge seeking got a definite direction. If at all, these conversations would be valuable and known, it would be for Swami Atmananda Saraswati.
It is my great fortune to bring “Who is My Charioteer” to the audiences. For someone Small like me this is a Big win! The Part 1 of this series is titled “Fundamental Understanding about Life”. You will find these conversations starting Episode 59. Just search for “Who is My Charioteer” in the title.