Crimes, Conspiracies and Beyond

While #Fridaythe13th is considered a rare phenomenon, the layout of the #Gregoriancalendar means that the 13th of any month is slightly more likely to fall on a Friday than any other day of the week.

But, it isn't a universal #superstition

In #Greece and most Spanish-speaking countries, it is Tuesday the 13th that is considered unlucky, while in Italy, it is Friday the 17th. Like most #superstitions that have evolved over hundreds of years and across multiple cultures, it is impossible to pinpoint the precise origins of Friday 13th. What is clear is that both Friday and the number #13 have been regarded as #unlucky in throughout #history

What is Crimes, Conspiracies and Beyond?

Check out the newest CMG podcast hosted by Todd and Jetai- Crimes, Conspiracies and Beyond! They delve into the wildest conspiracies, crimes and whatever else is in the news, with expert guests, live video, and more.