Heart 2 Heart Walk Podcast

SE2 - Anthony Pymm - Detective Sergeant in Western Australian Police Force. We talk about everything from BMX championships, catching murderers right through to the importance of sport, self-care and family on reflection doing this intense work.

Show Notes

'Hot Debrief' Episode 2 - Detective Sergeant Anthony Pymm - Western Australia Police Force.  Author of the Anth's Trauma Recovery social media pages, we talk to Anthony about life as a kid winning National Championships in BMX racing, life as a young Constable in WA travelling around various roles to a career specialising in criminal investigation roles in Western Australia.  Anthony talks about the tricky balance between work and home life, children and how damaging workplace bullying can be on top of the already huge pressures of Policing leading to Anthony's diagnosis of PTSD and Moral Injury.

We have a long chat about what Policing the vast Western Australia has been like in his 20+ year career, and we spend quite some time reflecting on family, how they notice signs about you and how you are travelling and ensuring you keep them in mind when work demands are high.

Anthony has recently found his place connecting with an old school mate and MMA champion Soa Palelei, or Soa The Hulk as he's known in a mental health improvement boxing program in WA, looking forward to potentially shaping up against a professional fighter later this year in a fund-raising event hosted by Soa to raise money for mental health programs.

Detective Sergeant Anthony Pymm:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/anths_trauma_recovery_/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100083358939807


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What is Heart 2 Heart Walk Podcast?

Podcast of the Heart 2 Heart Walk. A long distance walk to raise awareness around First Responder Mental Health and Wellbeing including Suicide, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Premature Mortality. The Heart 2 Heart Walk will take place from the 1 July 2023 from the geographic centre of Australia to the Nation's Capital, taking 3 months and over 2500km. The Podcast will cover everything from amazing stories of Police and Emergency Services workers right through to academic researchers looking at the issues related to mental health of Australia's First Responders.
Instagram: @h2hwalk.podcast