Snewz: Sauropod News

How do you solve a problem like Aparna? That's right, Shrishma is weighing in on Netflix's Indian Matchmaking and also sharing some juicy details about her tumultuous yet curse-breaking first marriage. Meanwhile, a lot of time and resources are being spent on clearing Captain Kidd's good (bad?) name, good tyrant lizards are proven to come in small packages, someone spilled impact melt all over the moon, and hot snakes about global population concerns are shared. Featuring Shrishma Naik, Katherine Sherlock, and Justin Zeppa.

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Show Notes

How do you solve a problem like Aparna? That's right, Shrishma is weighing in on Netflix's Indian Matchmaking and also sharing some juicy details about her tumultuous yet curse-breaking first marriage. Meanwhile, a lot of time and resources are being spent on clearing Captain Kidd's good (bad?) name, good tyrant lizards are proven to come in small packages, someone spilled impact melt all over the moon, and hot snakes about global population concerns are shared. Featuring Shrishma Naik, Katherine Sherlock, and Justin Zeppa. 

We appreciate your support, so please subscribe, rate, review, and follow the show. Tell all your friends, tell your enemies too.  

Instagram: @thesauropod 

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What is Snewz: Sauropod News?

The Snewz: it's the news between news, delivering all the information you need to know about pirates, jewel thieves, art heists, dinosaurs, aliens, ghosts, shipwrecks, ancient Egypt, the moon, and treasure. Brought to you by your favorite intrepid Snewz reporters, Justin Zeppa, Katherine Sherlock, and Shrishma Naik. You're welcome!