NLKBM Sound Biblical Doctrine Hour

1 Corinthians tells us we as the church can judge the body. We as Christians have to be careful that we don't point the finger at our Brothers and Sisters in Christ and try to convict them if they sin. There is a difference in a Christian that has committed a sin and one that is sinning. Our salvation is instantaneous but our sanctification is not. The sanctification process for each believer will be different. God is calling us as His children to be holy. Our sanctification can also be known as spiritual maturity. For us to be who the Lord is calling us to be will require three things after coming to the Lord. Our will, knowledge of the Bible, and submitting to the Holy Spirit. If one or two of those three things are missing then our sanctification process can become stagnant or be slowed down. Does it mean our lives will be perfect? No, it does not. As long as we are in our human bodies we will still face situations and problems in life. However, when we have our will lined up with God's word, and we submit to the Holy Spirit we can have a life of peace. We do not have to live as carnal Christians, but can instead be spiritually mature as the Lord works in us to become holy and separate from the things of the world.

Show Notes

1 Corinthians tells us we as the church can judge the body.  We as Christians have to be careful that we don't point the finger at our Brothers and Sisters in Christ and try to convict them if they sin.  There is a difference in a Christian that has committed a sin and one that is sinning.  Our salvation is instantaneous but our sanctification is not.  The sanctification process for each believer will be different.  God is calling us as His children to be holy.  Our sanctification can also be known as spiritual maturity.  For us to be who the Lord is calling us to be will require three things after coming to the Lord.  Our will, knowledge of the Bible, and submitting to the Holy Spirit.  If one or two of those three things are missing then our sanctification process can become stagnant or be slowed down.  Does it mean our lives will be perfect? No, it does not.  As long as we are in our human bodies we will still face situations and problems in life.  However, when we have our will lined up with God's word, and we submit to the Holy Spirit we can have a life of peace.  We do not have to live as carnal Christians, but can instead be spiritually mature as the Lord works in us to become holy and separate from the things of the world.

What is NLKBM Sound Biblical Doctrine Hour?

New Life Kingdom Builders Ministries is a place where people can come and be made whole. We believe in people, marriages and families receiving restoration, healing and deliverance through the power of God. We believe Christians should go out in the power of the Holy Ghost and the authority given by Jesus to be the kingdom here on earth. We are a network of ministries that go out and do the Father’s will by doing what Jesus did in Matthew 4:23 by preaching, teaching and healing all manner of sickness and diseases among the people. NLKBM is a place where people can learn to fulfill the plans and purposes God has for them through the Word of God and execute that plan in the places they have been called to. It is a place that is not a “church” but a body of believers who have been called to be the church.

Services are currently being held at 2602 Whitehouse Rd, S. Chesterfield, VA 23834
Saturday @ 6:30PM (Weekend Service)
Wednesday @ 7:00PM (Prayer & Bible Study)