Can you see what I see?

Control can be both negative and positive....... like power, it can be control over, and control of......
If we are responsible for our own lives, acceptance that we have the power to control our life should be a given. But it is not always that simple..... or easy.......

Show Notes

  • Control is both a noun (the power to influence or direct people's behaviour or the course of events), and a verb (determine the behaviour or supervise the running of).....
  • How "nice" people can control you..... sometimes without even consciously knowing that is what they are doing.
    • "I'm only raising this because I'm concerned about you".... which for teenagers it MAY be OK, but for adults it is not appropriate and is a form of shaming and trying to control someone else in doing what YOU think they should do....
  • Then there is COERCIVE Control..... which causes trauma for individuals..... and our body holds the impact of a trauma by holding the energy of the trauma.....
    • Control is not WHO decides, but who decides who decides!  
  • Control the controllable in our lives - fear is all around us, but much of it is outside our control.  By plugging into the "uncontrollable", it puts us in a place of helplessness, and even hopelessness, which leads to more cortisol being drip fed into our bodies.... not good! 
  1.    Stop letting other people control your emotions
  2. Accessing the Healing Power of the Vagus Nerve:  self help exercises for anxiety, depression, trauma and autism (Stanley Rosenberg)
  3. Invisible Chains:  overcoming coercive control in your intimate relationship (Lisa Aronsen Fontes PhD.)
  4. See What you Made Me Do (Jess Hill)
  5. In An Unspoken Voice (Peter A Levine)
  6. Complex PTSD:  From Surviving to Thriving (Pete Walker)
  7. When The Body Says No:  The Cost of Hidden Stress (Dr Gabor Mate)

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What is Can you see what I see??

Would you like to live in a kinder, happier world where people are safe, empowered and inspired to choose greater? A world that has a different vocabulary from what is considered "normal" .... and the language is empowering and actually COMMON for us all.

We see that world.