Welcome, queer people of the world, to the only Pittsburgh-based podcast dedicated to debunking the myths about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community. My name is Ed Suzy and I am the Ellen Degeneres of this show. Deep underground, below the Titty Sphinx in Allegheny Cemetery, I have a lab full of gay scientists dedicated to manufacturing statistics and misinformation strong enough to turn the freakin frogs gay. My guests this pride month are calling in from all around the globe to rant and rave about the happenings of the incredibly gay world we live in. From genderless toilets to sharing a bed with your roommate to dressing up in costumes for money, I proudly present the colorful collection of characters and specialists who inspired the skittles company to invent the rainbow. Tune in every Tuesday and Thursday this June for brand new episodes of Exposing The Holes: available wherever you find podcasts.
Other projects by Nermer Nermer Network:
Sounds under License: Creative Commons 0
Circus theme.aiff by robcro6010 -- https://freesound.org/s/342153/
piano_pop1 (Amajor-100bpm).wav by Pax11 -- https://freesound.org/s/447129/
Jackhammering wall tiles.m4a by osaka78 -- https://freesound.org/s/661215/
Odd Flute Patterns by Breviceps -- https://freesound.org/s/529982/
frog.serenade.m4a by reci77 -- https://freesound.org/s/581647/
FX evil sting.wav by v0idation -- https://freesound.org/s/368674/
Ribbits.mp3 by SnowFightStudios -- https://freesound.org/s/643666/
What is Exposing the Holes: An Annual Pride Show?
Exposing the logical holes in myths about the 2SLGBTQIA+ community since 2024. The show is hosted by Pittsburgh’s own Suzy and relies on reliable science, facts, statistics, stats, misinformation, and facts. Get answers to questions like do toilets gender? Who is JK Rowling and what’s his problem? What is a unicorn and why are they more than an interest on Tinder? New episodes 3x/week in June.