
A man who defines easy description, Paul Davis has spent a good deal of his life reaching out and connecting with people from different backgrounds and experiences. As a gay black man, as a musician, as a friend, Paul explains why focusing on similarities and differences is less important than listening and responding to the actual person.

Show Notes

Paul Davis is the kind of guy you find yourself talking to at a party who knows people you know, likes the music you like and seems to get you. After five minutes, you find yourself telling him things you tell your closest friends. Then somewhere around the ten minute mark, he excuses himself, climbs up on stage, and unleashes a torrent of bass and vocal harmonies and you realize this guy is special.  His road hasn’t always been easy, as a gay black man growing up during the AIDS crisis of the 1980s, he had quite a bit to deal with and manage, but his optimism, humor and sheer thoughtfulness always shine through and make him someone I and many others go out of our way to talk and listen to. In this podcast, Paul and I discuss what it’s like to grow up and live in a world where experiences can be vastly different. Why having a diverse group of friends matters and how making a commitment to being open keeps you sane.


Music courtesy of Dan Rodriguez:
"The Allies Theme" by Dan Rodriguez
Music courtesy of Paul Davis:
"Oh Mama" by 77Central

What is Allies?

Allies is a podcast that brings together people of diverse backgrounds, ethnicities and experience to share their stories of success, of failure and of forging their paths in life. We dive head first into tough issues like race, privilege and justice to find the similarities and differences among us that make life interesting and challenging. It’s awkward, honest and real, the kind of conversations we need now more than ever.