The MAM Show!

Join the boys as they discuss a tale as old as time among middle-aged men, movies!

But not just any movie, specifically the boys explore action movies. Now your probably thinking, “oh great, just what I want to hear about, action movies…”, but if so you are underestimating just what might pop off in the episode when the boys discuss their top five all time action flicks. 

So sit back, whether on your couch, in your car, on the back pew of church (we won’t tell), or in the classroom (pay attention!) and listen in as you learn all new perspectives of your favorite action movies!

Also! Be sure to listen in next week as the boys take on the first of a new set of episodes called BIT, “Back in Time”. 

This and more as The MAM Show leads up to the Halloween Special!! Tune in now!

What is The MAM Show!?

Josh, Bobby, and Joe are your average adolescent boys trapped in middle-aged bodies. They talk about whatever it is that middle-aged-men talk about, you know, things and stuff. Proclaimed number 1 in the world by some (maybe) they are probably the most entertaining team you’ll listen to all day.