Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute

Today’s guest is Mark Gilham, Evangelist at Enable. Mark joins Ethan Beute and shares his experiences and expertise – in both accounting and evangelism! For him, genuine self-expression and staying true to yourself are key to success in this dynamic role.

Mark explains why having integrity in your values and beliefs draws people toward your message and makes them more inclined to embrace your product or service. Though an evangelist needs both, the skills of communication may be more easily taught than the skills of authentic connection. 

  • Through experience, Mark has realized that your evangelist role needs to be shaped and made. He believes that there is no standard job description when it comes to adding value to the organization. Through it all, evangelists must be themselves.
  • Being genuine with your clients makes them feel comfortable. That’s how people buy into you and your message. And that’s when you find yourself starting to evangelize without even realizing you're doing it.
  • A key aspect of Mark’s work involves helping businesses establish precise rebate structures. That’s what his company’s software enables, but Mark – a long-time practitioner and customer – adds this service and value layer around the software experience. He’s helping people and teams get more from the product.
  • What people don’t realize is that the role of accountancy goes far beyond number-crunching. The majority of the time, the work involves influencing decision-making based on the numbers people see. Mark believes that being an accountant is all about evangelizing and advocating for others. This role centers around engaging with people.

Quote of the Show:
  • “Let go a little bit and trust ‘I was put into this role not just for what I said I’m capable of, but because the business trusts me.’”

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Creators & Guests

Ethan Beute
Ethan Beute is the Chief Evangelist at Follow Up Boss, former Chief Evangelist at BombBomb, host of The Customer Experience Podcast, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Human-Centered Communication and Rehumanize Your Business.

What is Chief Evangelist with Ethan Beute?

Welcome to Chief Evangelist, the podcast that unravels the unique and potent role of Chief Evangelists and the influential movement they lead. Hosted by Ethan Beute, each episode delves into the world of evangelism work, exploring its intricacies and shedding light on what success truly means in this space. From understanding why focusing on a problem is more impactful than a product, to the overlap and divergence with thought leadership, community building, category design, and traditional sales and marketing – this podcast is your go-to resource for insights into innovation and the demand for evangelism. Whether you're aspiring to be a Chief Evangelist or seeking to comprehend its significance, join Ethan for captivating conversations with evangelists across diverse companies, verticals, and industries.