Texas Family Law Insiders

In this episode, partners Holly Draper and Carrie Tapia discuss the complex issue of enforcing possession and access. Holly and Carrie bring their extensive expertise in family law to shed light on the often-challenging area of enforcing possession and access, offering valuable insights for both legal professionals and individuals navigating these issues.
  • Unpack the critical elements of enforcing possession and access in family law cases.
  • Learn the importance of specific and enforceable orders in successful contempt proceedings.
  • Gain insights into defending against enforcement actions.
  • Understand the procedural nuances from filing motions to handling court proceedings in enforcement cases.
For an in-depth understanding of the enforcement of possession and access in family law, and to benefit from Holly and Carrie’s expert guidance, listen to this episode on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or simply hit play above.

What is Texas Family Law Insiders?

The Texas Family Law Insiders podcast brings together top divorce and family law attorneys and other professionals to discuss issues related to divorce, family law, child custody, child support, paternity, parental rights, grandparents’ rights, adoptions, and family law appeals in Texas.