Daily Matters: The changing face of the legal industry

Daily Matters: The changing face of the legal industry Trailer Bonus Episode 91 Season 1

Episode 91: Gyi Tsakalakis, President and Co-founder of AttorneySync

Episode 91: Gyi Tsakalakis, President and Co-founder of AttorneySyncEpisode 91: Gyi Tsakalakis, President and Co-founder of AttorneySync


Gyi Tsakalakis is a law firm marketing expert. As a former lawyer who now runs an SEO and digital marketing agency, he’s watched the legal technology landscape evolve over the past 15 years—and accelerate dramatically since the start of COVID-19. In this interview, Gyi and Jack Newton discuss important aspects of legal marketing in the pandemic era.

Show Notes

Gyi Tsakalakis is a law firm marketing expert. As a former lawyer who now runs an SEO and digital marketing agency, he’s watched the legal technology landscape evolve over the past 15 years—and accelerate dramatically since the start of COVID-19. In this interview, Gyi and Jack Newton discuss important aspects of legal marketing in the pandemic era.

Specifically, this episode covers:
  • How the legal industry has changed since Gyi started AttorneySync, and how those changes have sped up during COVID-19
  • Why it’s a competitive advantage for firms to embrace technology
  • The importance of designing a great experience for potential new clients
  • How law firms can generate new business by marketing themselves better online
  • What lawyers need to know about SEO
Gyi Tsakalakis is a former lawyer and President and Co-founder of AttorneySync, which uses digital marketing practices to help lawyers get found and hired online. Gyi’s core focus is search engine optimization (SEO), with which he helps law firms and other businesses improve their core metrics with the web.

Gyi also assists other businesses with online marketing at EPL Digital, and he is an advisor to the legal tech companies Lawmatics and Gideon Software, Inc.

To learn more about AttorneySync or EPL Digital, visit www.attorneysync.com or https://epldigital.com/, respectively. And follow Gyi on Twitter at @gyitsakalakis 

What is Daily Matters: The changing face of the legal industry?

With the emergence of COVID 19, the legal industry is undergoing a fundamental transformation. In Daily Matters, Clio CEO and Co-founder Jack Newton will explore the new normal for law firms, how legal professionals can find success in a remote-first world, and how lawyers can best serve clients through this unprecedented situation.