Good News for Today

Most Americans, even most Christians, remain supportive of IVF. Around 4 in 5 U.S. adults (82%) say IVF is morally acceptable, according to Gallup. One in 10 believe it is wrong. The more someone attends religious services, the more likely they are to see IVF as morally wrong. But even among those who attend weekly, 63% say the practice is morally acceptable while 25% believe it’s wrong.
A 2022 Lifeway Research study found 35% of Americans believe human life begins at conception
Jason Thacker, a Christian ethicist, says decisions concerning IVF can be challenging.
“Navigating the deep pains and realities of infertility can be quite daunting and overwhelming,” Thacker told Lifeway Research. “While the desire for children is both good and godly, we must think deeply about the ethical complexities of artificial reproductive technologies. This is especially true with the routine practice of IVF as it relates to both the sanctity of life. Just because we can do something doesn’t mean we should.”
Stephen Silver was married 51 years before his wife died suddenly and unexpectantly. In his new book Grief Redeemed, he shares his grief journey.
While it is filled with deep sorrow, he helps us understand how grief can be a friend. He says that he’s “discovered that the more visceral these feelings, the greater the opportunity to draw closer to the Lord in the midst of my anguish. I’ve learned that in those moments, He has me exactly where He wants me—pouring out my heart and tears before Him and asking for His help to get me through.”
Paul told believers in Philippi that knowing Christ and the power of His resurrection was the most valuable treasure in life. The same is true for us today. A Lifeway Bible Study helps us understand how. Find it at Baptist Press.
The world’s greatest problem is lostness. Learn how to share the light of Christ at

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