The Talking Newspaper

- Man urinated in church in full view of parishioners
- Vandals smashed windows of ten vintage cars in Hacketstown
- Man assaulted in Carlow town
- Parking problems at Carlow Fire Station
- Carlow in top ten of cleanest towns
- Kevin Barry statue to be unveiled at last
- Brave Aoife (8) has raised €21,000 for children's hospitals
- Feral cat population on the rise

Show Notes

Articles featured on pages 2, 3 and 4 of The Carlow Nationalist on October 19th 2021.

What is The Talking Newspaper?

The Talking Newspaper is a collaboration between Carlow County Council Library Service, The Carlow Nationalist and Carlow Volunteer Centre. Selected articles from weekly editions of the newspaper are recorded by Senior Library Assistant Gearóid for the enjoyment and benefit of those with a visual impairment, reading difficulties and for everyone. Over time an archive of the recordings will provide a snapshot of life in Carlow and will be housed on the County Digital Archive platform.