It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark

Faith is trusting there’s a loving source of which you are a part. Having faith means that you can let go of fear and tight control and trust that there is great wisdom within you and around you, allowing yourself to breathe and listen for spiritual guidance. Having faith means that even though the recovery process may become difficult and dark, you can trust you will also find the grace and light. 

Show Notes

Jennifer Mason is an acupuncturist turned comic in San Diego, California. When she isn’t busy stabbing people, she’s running the Sofa King Funny shows or teaching Stand Up for Scaredy Cat workshops on Zoom. She changes the lives of women and other unlikely comics by guiding them to create a tight 5-minute set from their life that they can drop into any meeting or workshop... to be noticed, marketable, and memorable. 
IG: jenxcomedysd, sofakingfunnyshow
FB: Jenxcomedy, Sofakingfunnyshow
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What is It's Not About Food Podcast with Laurelee Roark?

It's Not About Food podcast is about learning how to love and accept the body you have, re-learn how to eat intuitively and to know how to take care of your emotions.