What A Week

What A Week   (5/31)

Intro: (Cue intro music) 
Hey everyone, welcome back to What a week! I’m your host, Olivia Lee, here to deliver your weekly dose of the news. Let’s get started!

In Local News: 
  • https://www.oregonlive.com/politics/2022/05/portland-government-email-account-used-to-defraud-city-of-14m-in-cybersecurity-breach.html
    • Last Friday, Portland officials announced that the city is out $1.4 million dollars after a person or group outside the city used a government email account to commit a fraudulent financial transaction. The costly cybersecurity breach occurred in late April but was only discovered weeks later on May 17th when the city flagged a second transaction attempt from the same account, according to a news release issued by the Office of Management and Finance. The news release did not disclose what bureau or office the email account belonged to or how it could be used to draw down substantial sums of money from city coffers. Upon learning of the breach, the city said it immediately launched an investigation and notified the Portland Police Bureau, FBI, and U.S. Secret Service. City officials said this past Friday that they would release no additional information in order to quote “protect the security and integrity of the investigation” end quote.

In-state news:

  • https://apnews.com/article/covid-politics-health-oregon-us-navy-70ad479c54e8210a709dcf886222d7b7
    • The USS Oregon officially joined the U.S. Navy fleet this past Saturday, marking the first submarine named after the Beaver State in more than a century. The newest Virginia-class fast attack submarine, which can dive to depths greater than 800 feet, was originally (krisened) christened in 2019, but the COVID-19 pandemic created some quote “slips in schedule” for the crew, said U.S. Representative  Joe Courtney,, whose district includes General Dynamics Corp.’s Electric Boat Shipyard where the 377-foot submarine was constructed. It marked the Navy’s first in-person commission ceremony since 2019, due to the pandemic. Oregon Gov. Kate Brown, who said she felt at home with the mist and overcast skies, urged the crew members to embrace the traits Oregonian residents possess, including a sense of adventure as well as being courageous, collaborative and compassionate.

In National News:

In International News: 

  • https://www.democracynow.org/2022/5/27/headlines/only_yes_means_yes_spanish_parliament_passes_sexual_consent_bill
    • Last week, Spain’s parliament approved landmark legislation that would codify the definition of consent as an explicit expression of a person’s will into Spanish law, freeing survivors of sexual assault from the burden of having to prove violence or intimidation was used against them.  The new law, which was known as the quote “only yes means yes” bill, was introduced to give a solid definition of what rape is. Before the introduction of the bill, rape cases in Spain were decided on whether the survivor was threatened with other physical violence or intimidated. ⁣Irene Montero, Spain’s equalities minister, celebrated the new law and said in a statement quote, “From today, Spain is a freer, safer country for all women. We are going to swap violence for freedom, we are going to swap fear for desire,” end quote.⁣ The bill still has to pass through the Senate before being enshrined in Spanish law. ⁣

Lastly here is the wildcard news for the week:

  • https://www.npr.org/2022/05/30/1102044111/man-throws-cake-at-mona-lisa-the-louvre
  • This past Sunday, a man who seemed to have been disguised as an old woman in a wheelchair threw a piece of cake at the Mona Lisa in Paris. A video posted on social media shows security guards at the Louvre Museum escorting the man away as he spoke in French about the planet.  According to The Associated Press, the man reportedly said quote, "Think of the Earth! There are people who are destroying the Earth! Think about it. Artists tell you: think of the Earth. That's why I did this," end quote. Another video showed someone clearing the cake off the glass protecting the Mona Lisa, as onlookers held up their phones to film the incident's aftermath. The 36-year-old man was detained and sent to a psychiatric unit, according to the AP. The original Mona Lisa was painted by Leonardo da Vinci between 1503 and 1519. The oil painting hangs in the Louvre's largest room, according to the museum's website.

Closing:  Well that wraps up What a Week! Stay safe and see you guys next week. 

What is What A Week?

Vanguard's What A Week is the news you need to know this week, provided in under five minutes. Each week, we'll be taking a look at Portland, national and international news, and boiling it down to the key things you need to know. New episodes every Tuesday with host Nick Gatlin.