Nordic Nation

We connect with Norwegian Journalist John Rasmussen and learn about his reporting on fluoro ski wax in Norway.

Show Notes

If you’ve been following along with the global ski scene and wax, you know this: perfluorinated waxes have been a hot button topic. From issues with importing into the U.S., stories on potential health and environmental risk, and new “green” wax products coming’s been hard to keep up with trends. The International Ski Federation announced last month that it would move towards a fluoro-free race series next year. That caught the surprise of many — it was expected that any potential fluoro ban would come down after the 2022 Winter Olympics.

Perhaps the most wide-ranging series on fluoro use in the cross-country world was published this fall by Norwegian newspaper Dagbladet. The series was multi-faceted. It explored fluoro use and personal stories about illness and even death, and industries response to upcoming EU regulations on C-8 chemistry.    

We spoke to one of the lead journalists involved with the project, John Rasmussen. He’s based in Oslo and among his beats, is covering the World Cup. 

Here's a link to the story series. But keep this in mind: Google Translate often offers rough approximations when translating Norwegian to English. 

What is Nordic Nation?

The Nordic Nation podcast is a production of, the premier cross-country ski website in North America. The podcast features interviews, commentary, and news updates.