Love & Longevity

Vitality doesn’t have to be defined by your age but it may be defined by how active you are. 

In this episode, we’re joined by special guest Blake Hoffmeyer from FitFixNow. Blake shares practical strategies for embedding fitness and healthy habits into daily life for older adults. Whether you're caring for aging loved ones or looking to improve your own health regimen, this conversation covers invaluable tips for making fitness both accessible and enjoyable. 

Listen in as we explore topics like the importance of attire in exercise, overcoming mental barriers to physical activity, and how small, manageable "fitness snacks" can lead to significant lifestyle changes. You'll leave this episode empowered with actionable insights to enhance quality of life through movement and thoughtful support, ensuring those golden years truly shine. 

Three Key Takeaways:

  • Integrate short bursts of physical activity throughout the day to help make fitness feel less daunting and more manageable
  • Understanding and patience are vital when encouraging exercise and activity, especially for older adults - approach conversations and suggestions with empathy
  • Encourage physical activity by connecting it to interests and hobbies that the person already enjoys to increase the likelihood of long-term engagement 

Things to Listen For:

[00:00] The evolution of the field of exercise science

[05:36] How proper athletic attire affects your mindset 

[09:43] Encouraging exercise after injury, with precautions

[14:23] Focusing on systemic change for consistent habits in fitness and diet

[21:23] Life balance for health in aging

[25:58] Recognizing that as we age, our abilities will change


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What is Love & Longevity?

This is Love & Longevity where we we dive deep into the heart of nurturing lasting relationships and the art of caring for ourselves and loved ones as we age.

I’m your host Christian Ross, the Founder and Chief Happiness Officer of Happy Talks, and I know how important love and connection are in life. Every day I see people being thrown into caregiving unexpectedly, and I wanted to create a resource that helps you prepare for love and longevity long before you’re in the throes of aging or grief. Making things approachable and digestible is my mission, and being able to do that for you as you explore love and longevity is my greatest honor.

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