Things I Found Online Podcast

We're exploring online reinvention with lawyer/actor/poet Samuel Whitehill and actor Lisa Arch. How does the internet provide us with tools, resources and advice that instructs and facilitates new choices while connecting us with others who share our passion and vision?

Show Notes

The Internet is making it increasingly accessible to alter a life direction and make a dream a reality. We invite actor Sam Whitehill to discuss his personal experience with reinvention and how the Internet helped him shape and pursue transition from lawyer to actor. We're itemizing a step-by-step guide from planting that initial seed of aspiration to daily cultivating daily reinforcements of your desired objectives. Plus, as a polyglot poet, Sam shares a taste of his Hebrew language poetry.  And Lisa Arch joins us with a very special Facebook Feedtime ode to her significant other.

Indie Activity Interview with Sam Whitehill

Five Steps To Reinvent Yourself

Steve Easton Studio

Interview with Robert Whitehill-Bashan, American Hebrew Poet–מעומק-ליבה-של-טקסס

What is Things I Found Online Podcast?

Premiere Radio Networks Founder Louise Palanker joins a panel of comedians to look at the ways in which we each look at the internet and the feedback loop that’s informing how we think and live. Regulars include Jamie Alcroft and Danny Mann.