Community News Updates from CJSR

With no university update we dig into the current numbers and approaching deadline for in person classes back on campus.

Show Notes

This week we did not see an update from the university's website. But to look at the broader picture we look at current case numbers in Alberta at the moment, on alberta’s updated website can sort by age groups to see trending cases amongst young people. Alberta this past week reached 506 for the ages of 10-19, which in contrast to 298 cases for those aged 20-29 is interesting and can be assumed from in person schooling.

As of November 12th over 81 Percent of eligible Albertans have been fully vaccinated. The university in last week's update covered the upcoming plan to have at least 90% of classes in person by January of 2022. This will indeed be an interesting time and we will update you with numbers as they come in. 

For more information and stats on covid-19 you can visit or for university updates they are at
For cjsr this is Jarret Kamm 

What is Community News Updates from CJSR?

Daily 1-minute community news updates for Edmontonians.

Originally, this project shared news bites about COVID-19 in Edmonton, how it's impacting people in our community, and support services available. A pop-up podcast published every weekday by CJSR 88.5 FM, Edmonton's campus and community radio station.