Financial Futures

At the center of every bank’s operation is its mainframe. These computing behemoths power all of a bank’s core processes, allowing institutions to function day to day. But mainframes the world over are facing some challenges. They’re becoming difficult to maintain with the talent pool of specialists qualified to keep them operational dwindling each year. Plus, the yearly cost of running them is high and likely to keep rising.

Banks need to upgrade their cores to a more sustainable and cost-effective technology - and the solution everyone is turning to is the cloud.

In this season of Financial Futures, we’re examining a new generation of intelligent tools that are making financial services fit for modern institutions and their customers. And in today’s episode, we’ll learn how banks are taking on the task of migrating their cores from the mainframe to the cloud.

We’ll be joined by banking cloud leader for North America at Accenture, Nicole Lanza, and division executive of modern banking platform business at FIS, Rick Foresta, as we find out why banks are choosing to move their cores to the cloud and how they’re de-risking the transition.
We’ll also ask:
  • How important is it for banks to move their cores to the cloud?
  • What are the benefits of having a cloud-native core?
  • Should banks opt for a public, private, or hybrid cloud model?
  • What are the risks involved in migrating banking cores?
  • How should banks approach the task?
  • What does having a cloud-native core look like?

What is Financial Futures?

The way we move money is changing. Fast. We want control at the touch of a finger-print. We want to send money in real-time – to the other side of the world. We want everything in one place, integrated, seamless and on our devices. Ubiquitous, embedded, fast, standardized, frictionless and secure. Global finance trends are hurling towards a unanimous conclusion.

These are our Financial Futures.

Each episode, we size up the bleeding edge of fintech innovation and explore the trends that are already transforming the way the world pays, banks and invests across the globe. And the mechanisms we’ll need to prosper in this brave new landscape.

Is the world’s technology up to the challenge? Are we?