After the latest COVID News, the California Report covers water. First they look at how The city of San Francisco is suing the state of California over water storage issues and then how Lake Tahoe divers have started an effort to collect garbage that's accumulated on the lake’s bottom.

After a look at regional news and weather, we’ll check in with Michael DiMartino with the Water Protector Report.

We close with a commentary from Marc Cuniberti entitled: Wage Osmosis.

Show Notes

After the latest COVID News, the California Report covers water. First they look at how The city of San Francisco is suing the state of California over water storage issues and then how Lake Tahoe divers have started an effort to collect garbage that's accumulated on the lake’s bottom.

After a look at regional news and weather, we’ll check in with Michael DiMartino with the Water Protector Report.

We close with a commentary from Marc Cuniberti entitled: Wage Osmosis.

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