Real Perspectives Podcast

Welcome to the Real Perspectives Podcast, where we dive into the minds of commercial real estate leaders, uncovering their unique stories and insights. I'm your host, Vladimir Bosanac, co-founder and publisher of The Registry. In today's episode, we're exploring the innovative world of alternative financing in real estate. 

Joining us is a very special guest, Dan Miller, the founder of Steward, a groundbreaking platform that's reshaping how we think about funding in the real estate sector. With a passion for supporting sustainable agriculture and local communities, Dan's journey is not just about finance, but about fostering a deeper connection between investors, land, and the people who cultivate it.

We'll delve into how Steward is creating new opportunities for investors and land stewards alike, and what this means for the future of commercial real estate. So, stay tuned as we uncover the story behind Steward and the vision that drives Dan Miller.

What is Real Perspectives Podcast?

Exploring commercial real estate topics across the West Coast of the US, and sometimes the world!