Callum Walker | Figuring It Out

As an entrepreneur you have to do everything. Wear the marketing hat, sales hat, coaching hat, admin hat, finance hat and it’s exhausting. 

But more importantly, this takes the fun out of running your business. Because you’re doing so many things that just aren’t suited to your strengths. It can feel like you’re getting hit with this constant feeling of I’m not good enough, because you’re having to do so many things that aren’t in line with your strengths. 

Which slows down the growth of the business but also, it wears you thin. If you ever feel like this and you feel like you’re stuck personally and with your business, this episode will explain how you can cut ties with all these hats and only focus on the things you are good at that provide you with freedom, fulfilment and finance.

What is Callum Walker | Figuring It Out?

Welcome to The Figuring It Out Podcast. 

At 22, I took the plunge to go on the entrepreneurial journey and start a fitness business, 7 years later I’d been the nutritionist for 2 elite sports clubs and private coach to some of the worlds best sportsmen and women. 

Now it’s my mission to show fitness coaches how you can put yourself in a league of their own, become the go to coach, and finally eliminate the self-doubt and imposter syndrome that's holding you back from building the business of your dreams. 

This podcast will help you figure out how to thrive and conquer the fear that comes with the lonely entrepreneurial journey.