Channel Junkies: YouTube For Real Estate Podcast

Time to do a little reflection. We will talk about the three biggest power moves I ever made concerning YouTube for real estate. Come and listen to this power episode homies!!!

Show Notes

Welcome to today's YouTube for Realtors WALK AND TALK #26- I have so many things going through my head every day about YouTube for Realtors that I just want to get it all out! I get asked so many questions every day and coach so many agents it's time to answer all of those in depth, on my walk to the gym!
In today’s episode I do a deep dive into The 3 Biggest POWER MOVES I Made Concerning YouTube for Real Estate. What do you think of the Power moves? How it got me how those moves really got this whole thing catapulted to where it is today. Truly change the way that we, we even just look at marketing and the way that you need to look at marketing as well. So we're gonna do a deep dive into these power moves. And I think what you're going to take away from these today is just a way to approach and look at your own business. It's OK to fail a lot and learn from it, but these power moves are for your own sake. When it comes to this you know I love getting up on stages and and talking like it's just my thing. I love it and a lot of times when I get up there I'm not doing this magical. Here's how to fix it and so power move number one. Was admitting. That early on all the videos I was doing, although they felt good and getting a lot of recognition from real estate agents. And my business at the time was no business. I had no close deals. I had nothing coming in. I had no pipeline, and in fact the only two clients that I was working with at the time. But I did admit man, these videos just don't work. I haven't even really applied these videos out there yet, so I don't even know how much I'm going to get now. It's gonna be crazy, right? So I made this power move one day like dude, these videos do not work. I am doing hundreds of these things and literally not one person is reaching out saying I want to buy and sell but yet hundreds if not thousands of real estate agents are like Oh my God, that's amazing. Homies you need to listen to this!!
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What is Channel Junkies: YouTube For Real Estate Podcast ?

#1 Podcast to learn YouTube for Realtors

The Channel Junkies Podcast is for real estate agents and lenders looking to have their phone ring every day with high-quality "in-bound" clients! Stop cold calling, door knocking, and doing open houses and start getting content out to the #1 search engine platform in the world when it comes to people wanting to know about your city! That platform is YouTube for Realtors and we mastered it!

We have created 11 Real Estate YouTube channels in 9 states and close over $150 milllion in 100% free organic YouTube content each year. We have also helped multiple real estate agents become Millionaires from their YouTube channel.

We also partner with agents all around the world that would like to join us on our venture. If you think you have what it takes to work with us, tell us more about you and your business here!

This podcast will mirror our YouTube channel "Channel Junkies YouTube for Real Estate Agents with Jackson Wilkey" we built which is full of tips and tutorials on how to master your social media marketing for real estate!