Inspiring People & Places: Architecture, Engineering, And Construction

Great leaders are constantly making balanced decisions based on risks and rewards. Today on Inspiring People & Places, we discuss how leadership affects project outcomes. 
In this solo episode, you’ll hear all about how the late Irv Richter and Hill International inspired BJ to think about what leaders do to drive successful project outcomes. We discuss the art of project management before breaking down the Army’s Composite Risk Management process and its principles. Finally, BJ explains why he believes a great leader synthesizes a risk/reward matrix in their head in order to drive project success. 
You don’t want to miss this one so be sure to tune in now!
Key Points From This Episode:
•   The importance of risk management and what leadership has to do with it. 
•   Why BJ believes that there is an art and a science to risk management. 
•   What risk management has to do with leadership: everything! 
•   Why you should avoid unnecessary risk and accept it when the benefits outweigh the costs. 
•   The incredible risk/reward matrix leaders balance in their heads. 
“Risk management is a leader’s job.” — BJ Kraemer
“The art of decision making is knowing when you can accept some risk in order to maintain project momentum or project success.” — BJ Kraemer
“Great leaders have a continuous risk/reward matrix going on in their head and they know when to slow things down, they know when to call [a] halt, and they also know when to speed up even though there may be some risk associated with whatever the outcome is.” — BJ Kraemer
Links Mentioned in Today’s Episode:
Composite Risk Management
Hill International
Irv Richter – Hill International 
Inspiring People & Places Podcast
MCFA Careers
BJ Kraemer on LinkedIn

What is Inspiring People & Places: Architecture, Engineering, And Construction?

We interview national leaders in the architecture, engineering, construction, and development industry, in an effort to educate, innovate and inspire industry professionals to disrupt the status quo, improve their project teams and steward public & private investments more effectively.