Movin’ with Mel and Marm

Homeownership is the backbone of the American Dream. The current housing market has made it a challenge for first-time buyers. President Biden has taken notice and proposed a transformative $10,000 credit for first time home buyers in the State of the Union address. While it’s not law yet, this potential credit is a real possibility that could make a significant difference.

  • Details of the proposed $10,000 first time home buyers credit
  • Melissa found a well under a house
  • Reminiscing on Schoolhouse Rock 

What is Movin’ with Mel and Marm?

Co-hosts, Melissa Touris and Marmie Leech, are REALTORS® in Dallas, TX with a passion to educate and inform - all while having a great time! Join us for a bi-weekly conversation of real estate tips, current events, and entertaining escapades.