Holywell Testimony Series

Joining Eamonn Baker on this final episode is Julieann Campbell. Julieann is a journalist in the city who has worked with families affected by the troubles through her work at the Pat Finucane Centre, the Bloody Sunday Families and through the Museum and the Unheard Voices Programme.

Show Notes

Episode 23 - Julieann Campbell - First Released 18/5/18

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this presentation are solely those of the interviewer/interviewee and do not in any way represent the views of the Holywell Trust, its partners or their funders. 

Joining Eamonn Baker on this final episode is Julieann Campbell. Julieann is a journalist in the city who has worked with families affected by the troubles through her work at the Pat Finucane Centre, the Bloody Sunday Families and through the Museum and the Unheard Voices Programme. 

What is Holywell Testimony Series?

Testimonies of people directly impacted by the recent conflict in Northern Ireland recorded in interviews with Eamonn Baker. The series was originally released during 2017 and 2018 and received financial support through the Central Good Relations Fund of The Executive Office.