How can an affluent, high-achieving, suburban congregation foster authentic relationships among stressed and isolated young people? In this episode, meet the Rev. Meredith Keseley of Abiding Presence Lutheran Church in Burke, Virginia, and listen to the Rev. Aqueelah Ligonde, as they discern the Holy Spirit's transformative presence in blossoming relationships.
We were on a path that we thought we knew how to do, and we needed to have that pushed so far aside that there really was room for the Holy Spirit to come in and do something new. And that's what wound up happening! Even what we're doing now is nothing of the pieces that we put down on paper in that process and everything of the spirit of it. -Rev. Meredith Keseley
Disrupting Ministry, a podcast from the Institute for Youth Ministry at Princeton Theological Seminary, brings you stories of faith communities who are disrupting the status quo in the church by developing innovative forms of ministry with young people.