Queens Lead

Hear Queen Aimee talk with Amy about what's missing from the lives of corporate moms who want more, but can't seem to find the time. It's great news- it's more of YOURSELF, First. 

In this insightful conversation, Amy Singleton and Aimee discussed a wide range of topics, including podcast collaboration, motherhood, career coaching, self-care, and the importance of mindset management. Here's a concise summary of their discussion:

🌟 Review and Rating Request for Queen Leaders' Impact
Amy Singleton kindly requested that listeners take a moment to review and rate the podcast episode. She emphasized that these reviews and ratings are crucial for expanding the reach and impact of the podcast, particularly among aspiring queen leaders.

πŸŽ™ Podcast Collaboration and Social Media Planning
Amy and Aimee, located in Oklahoma and North Carolina respectively, discussed Aimee's upcoming appearance on Amy's podcast. They confirmed that all necessary links for Aimee's website, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn were available. Aimee mentioned that she offers a complimentary clarity call on her website. Amy informed Aimee that her episode would be released on March 27th and that they would collaborate on Instagram posts. Amy's team would provide Aimee with reels in a Google Drive folder without captions, allowing Aimee to add her own branding elements. Aimee suggested a question about the importance of coaching for mothers based on their personal experience.

🎧 Improving Audio Quality in Meetings
During their meeting, Amy and Aimee discussed audio quality, with Aimee's microphone initially echoing slightly. They tested different positions and sound levels to improve the sound. Amy suggested that the microphone might be too hot or too high, and Aimee placed a pillow behind it to absorb some sound. After making these adjustments, Amy confirmed that the sound quality had significantly improved. They then proceeded to record a podcast episode with Amy as the host and Aimee as a guest.

πŸ‘©β€πŸ’Ό From Corporate to Corporate Mom Coach
Aimee, a former corporate VP, shared her journey of leaving her corporate career in 2020 to become a corporate mom coach. She emphasized her passion for helping working mothers manage their mental and emotional wellness. Aimee revealed that she had been working with coaches since her daughter's birth in 2016, which led her to found her coaching business in 2020. She noticed a gap in corporate support for working mothers and decided to share her strategies and insights with others. The main theme she found in her initial coaching sessions was the power of mindset and psychology.

🀹 Women's Roles: Balancing Needs and Expectations
Aimee and Amy discussed the challenges women face in balancing their own needs with their roles as mothers and wives. They emphasized the importance of understanding one's own mindset and strategies to support a new identity as a mother. The conversation also touched on the comparison trap many women fall into, feeling pressure to conform to societal expectations or the actions of other mothers. Aimee stressed the need to recognize and challenge these subconscious patterns, and to remember that women have the agency to shape their roles in their own ways.

⏳ Time Management and Motherhood Values
Aimee and Amy discussed the importance of time and mindset management, particularly for women navigating motherhood. Aimee emphasized that priorities are largely informed by subconscious values, and that these can shift with life events such as becoming a mother. They suggested that recognizing and understanding these changing values can help women manage their time more effectively and reduce feelings of stress and disconnection. Amy shared her observations about women losing themselves as their children grow up and leave home, prompting a conversation about the potential for values to shift and the importance of periodically reassessing one's values.

🌟 Women's Personal Evolution and Adaptability in Motherhood and Work
Aimee and Amy discussed the importance of personal evolution and adaptability in women's lives, especially in relation to motherhood. They emphasized the need to accept change and navigate transitions rather than resisting them. They also touched upon their work with women in the corporate world who often feel overwhelmed and struggle due to being pulled in different directions. Aimee highlighted that while therapy can be beneficial, coaching, with its focus on specific goals, might be a more suitable solution for some.

πŸ’Ό Coaching for Corporate Women's Balance
Aimee and Amy discussed the importance of coaching in helping corporate women, especially those who struggle with finding balance in their personal and professional lives. Aimee shared that her coaching process involves evaluating different areas of life to identify areas that need improvement. They noted that many women she works with struggle in their personal lives, often feeling unfulfilled. They highlighted the importance of role modeling for children and the positive impact of personal growth on oneself and others.

🌿 Self-Care Practices and Resources
Aimee offered a complimentary 30-minute clarity call to assist guests interested in coaching or career planning. She stressed the importance of self-care, suggesting a 20-minute daily dedication and providing a free self-care menu. Amy encouraged guests to visit Aimee's website, CorporateMomCoach.com, to book a call or download the self-care menu. Both Aimee and Amy shared their perspectives on self-care practices, emphasizing the need to reduce stress. Amy mentioned an upcoming episode scheduled for release on March 27th and promised to send promotional materials to help spread Aimee's message to their respective audiences.

πŸ“† Next Steps
To wrap up, Amy highlighted the next steps:

Aimee will provide a complimentary clarity call on her website.
Book a free clarity call with Aimee at CorporateMomCoach.com/clarity.
Review and Rate for Queen Leaders' Impact: Amy Singleton requested that listeners review and rate the podcast episode, emphasizing the importance of these reviews and ratings for expanding the reach and impact of the podcast, particularly among aspiring queen leaders.

Connect with Aimee from Corporate Mom Coach:

Corporate Mom Coach Website
Facebook Group
Book a Free Clarity Call
Listeners were encouraged to take a moment to review and rate the podcast episode to support the mission of empowering queen leaders.

Please consider taking a moment to review and rate this podcast episode to support the mission of empowering queen leaders.

To learn more about Amy Singleton, her speaking engagements, or collaboration opportunities in marketing, visit AmySingleton.net.

What is Queens Lead ?

Queens Lead is a platform for women to inspire other women. Lead the way by showing others what you do & what sets you apart as an expert!

Amy Singleton is on a mission to elevate all those around her. She brings joy & enthusiasm to everything she does.

On this podcast Amy is doing 3 things:
Highlighting Women who are doing great things in business
Tell the stories of women business owners who are impacting their own families, communities & industries.
Shining a light on the queens of this world to help them assume their position as the creators, influencers & doers among us!