Yah Lah BUT...

A debate about whether perfume should be classified a basic necessity or aspirational good took place in Parliament this week, as part of a discussion about what constitutes a minimum living standard in Singapore. Why does Jamus Lim think so highly of perfume? Elsewhere, the use of LKY’s likeness in LKY100 campaigns came under scrutiny this week, as people questioned whether Yeo’s packet drinks bearing his image would be disposed of properly and respectfully. What’s the big deal?

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Parliament Debates Whether Perfume Is a Basic Need

Yeo’s LKY Drink Packets

One Shiok Comment

One Shiok Thing

Mics and Headphones from @shure
Chairs from @ergotunechair
Desk from @castlerysg
Plants from @thenursery.sg

Edited and mixed by Tristen Yeak

What is Yah Lah BUT...?

The most uncensored conversations about censorable things coming out from the much-censored country of Singapore. Hosted by Haresh & Terence from the comedy house Ministry of Funny.