Slow & Steady

Anthony Eden chats with Benedicte and Benedikt about DNSimple, marketing, how they delegate decision making in their team, and more.
When Anthony and his brother created the product in 2010, they had developers in mind from day one. And unlike other domain registrars and DNS providers in the market, DNSimple lets you unlock what you can do with your domain so you can automate whatever you want.

Anthony, Benedicte, and Benedikt talk about marketing tactics, delegating decision making, what’s next for DNSimple, and more!

Creators & Guests

Benedicte Raae 👑
Queen Raae - Let's get the most out of @GatsbyJS | Creator of POW! — the privacy-first menstrual cycle journal ( | Co-host of the @SlowSteadyPod
Benedikt Deicke
Software Engineer & Co-founder of @userlist. Co-host at @SlowSteadyPod. Running @femtoconf. Creator of @stagecms. Loves music, food, and cooking.
Anthony Eden
Founder of DNSimple, vendor of duct tape, purveyor of UDP packets. He/him. Mastodon:
Krista Melgarejo
Marketing & Podcasts at @userlist | Writer and digital marketer by trade | Still trying to get that science degree 🎓

What is Slow & Steady?

Join us as we share what it's like to build and launch a bootstrapped startup while working for yourself full-time. Benedikt is working on Userlist, and Benedicte is establishing herself as a Gatsby expert and developer advocate for hire.