Wake Up, Look Up

In this episode, we delve into the rising trend of underconsumption, where life works best when you spend only what you need and buy only what you require. This movement is a reaction to social media influencers who often promote overconsumption and luxurious lifestyles. We explore how the Bible has been ahead of us, teaching for centuries that we should live within our means, buy what we need, and avoid unnecessary extravagance. Join us as we discuss the timeless wisdom of living on less than you make and how embracing this principle can lead to a more fulfilling and sustainable life.  

Creators & Guests

Zach Weihrauch
Follower of Jesus who has graciously given me a wife to love, children to shepherd, and a church to pastor.

What is Wake Up, Look Up?

Check out new episodes of our daily podcast, Wake Up, Look Up, with Zach Weihrauch as he interprets what's happening in our world through the lens of the gospel.