Ask Your Lawyer

On this edition of Ask Your Lawyer, Shakil Shah is joined in the studio by Liam Loughlin and Tomas McGarvey to discuss Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking.

Show Notes

Liam Loughlin:

Liam has a mixed common law practice, with an emphasis on criminal defence and immigration. Liam is instructed across a broad range of practice areas and is willing to undertake instructions in other areas. Liam has a reputation for strong advocacy skills coupled with a sharp and analytical mind applied to each case. Liam prides himself on not only having the skills required for inside of the court room but the compassion and consideration required outside of it, to ensure that those instructing and the lay client feel fully informed and involved in the process.

Tomas McGarvey:

Called in 2010, Tomas’s practice covers all aspects of Crime, Family and Prison Law. He also provides advice in relation to sports law and regulatory matters.

Tomas is now Chambers Criminal Bar Association representative

What is Ask Your Lawyer ?

Inspire FM’s law show hosted by solicitors and barristers discussing a variety of legal matters from immigration to employment. Inspire FM – Positively Inspiring the Community