Who Woke Me Up?

Julian Robert and Jeff Courter of Rossignol are back for the second of two sponsored episodes. Would you like to know a ski manufacturer’s philosophy on factory grinds? What structure testing looks like at the World Cup level? Which is more important at the citizen-racer level, hand structure vs. ski choice? Two men who have more knowledge about factory grinds than you do bring that perspective to bear here; if you listen, you will learn something.

This is the second of two episodes sponsored by Rossignol. We sincerely appreciate their support of this podcast. Rossignol reps answered the questions put to them regarding their products, but have not otherwise controlled the substantive content heard here.

What is Who Woke Me Up??

The podcast arm of nordicinsights.news, your source for North American cross-country ski news with integrity and intent. Join host Fast Big Dog as we sit down for unfiltered conversations with a wide range of people involved in and impacting nordic skiing in this country. We aim to both educate and amuse. Podcast content does not reflect the views of Nordic Insights or its advertisers.