Upper Bottom

A bumper episode! In booze news Cess and Ollie discuss mocktails, partying in Ibiza without alcohol, and sober parties. That's followed by two fascinating interviews.

The first is with US-based lawyer Kris Butler, whose lovely book Drink Maps in Victorian Britain was recently published. She offers an expert perspective on the history of pubs in the last two centuries and the temperance movement, and serves up stats and anecdotes galore. 

Then Ollie heads north to visit Stephen Jeffreys at his abode, the Manchester Buddhist Centre. Stephen is the managing director of Hinterland, a new sober bar that will open in the basement any day. He discusses his struggles with alcohol and hopes for the future, not least through more sober bars and enriching the community.







What is Upper Bottom?

Are you tired of tragic tales of people hitting rock bottom thanks to booze? Join hosts Ollie and Cess as they explore sobriety through embarrassing drunken admissions, expert interviews, and amusing observations, proving that getting sober doesn't have to be a bum deal.

