Staiano Plastic Surgery

I will be talking about:
-Do we offer Umbilicoplasty?
- How long does it take for a scar to fade after having a mole, cyst or lipoma removed?
-Do we offer encapsulated seroma removal surgery?
- I have a few flat moles that I’ve lasered two times, but I barely see any difference. The doctor told me that if laser doesn’t work for my flat moles, nothing will. But it is possible to get rid of flat moles with excision right?
- Is it possible to breast feed after having a breast lift with implants? And anything else that crops up. #AskJJ

What is Staiano Plastic Surgery?

I am a Plastic Surgeon and I own a Clinic where we specialise in Breast and Body Contouring. I do a Q&A every Tuesday evening at 7pm on Facebook Live.