
Chatting about...
Summertime Render having its absolutely darkest episode yet & answering some important questions.
Shield Hero giving us introduction to ANOTHER Cardinal Hero from another world.
Spy x Family with a solid episode of ELEGANCE
A skeleton becomes bros with a wolf & saves a princess in Skeleton Knight in Another World.
Tomodachi Game setting up game 3 in a vs matchup against another group. Will our "monster" come out on top?
And Dragon Quest is... Dragon Quest.

Plus, manga chapter ratings for the week!
Here's what we're currently reading either every week or off & on.
WSJ: One Piece, My Hero, Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen, Yozakura Family, Undead Unluck, Mashle, Sakamoto Days, Elusive Samurai, Blue Box, PPPPPP, Ayashimon, Akane-Banashi
J+: My Hero Vigilantes, Dragon Ball Super, Boruto, Spy Family, Kaiju 8, Dandadan, Deranged Detective
WSM: Tokyo Revengers, Edens Zero, Four Knights of the Apocalypse, Ranger Reject
Webtoons: God of High School, unOrdinary, True Beauty, Eleceed, Lets Play, Sub-Zero, Down to Earth, Suitor Armor, Reunion
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You can also select the Premium Tier for $5 a month to get cool perks, like EARLY podcast episodes!
Use promo code "Anniv" for 25% off to celebrate the 2-year anniversaries for Gamesthetic, AniMan+ and well... SparkE3!
Pick up some merch! More designs on the way!

Join the official SparkE3 Discord Server!
Note: it's still under construction! :)

If you're a content creator of any size and you want to take control of your content and take it to the next level... consider checking out our friends over at trycereal and get your website going TODAY
Tell them SparkE3 sent you!

Show Notes

Chatting about...
Summertime Render having its absolutely darkest episode yet & answering some important questions.
Shield Hero giving us introduction to ANOTHER Cardinal Hero from another world.
Spy x Family with a solid episode of ELEGANCE
A skeleton becomes bros with a wolf & saves a princess in Skeleton Knight in Another World.
Tomodachi Game setting up game 3 in a vs matchup against another group.  Will our "monster" come out on top?
And Dragon Quest is... Dragon Quest.

Plus, manga chapter ratings for the week!
Here's what we're currently reading either every week or off & on.
WSJ: One Piece, My Hero, Black Clover, Jujutsu Kaisen, Yozakura Family, Undead Unluck, Mashle, Sakamoto Days, Elusive Samurai, Blue Box, PPPPPP, Ayashimon, Akane-Banashi
J+: My Hero Vigilantes, Dragon Ball Super, Boruto, Spy Family, Kaiju 8, Dandadan, Deranged Detective
WSM: Tokyo Revengers, Edens Zero, Four Knights of the Apocalypse, Ranger Reject
Webtoons: God of High School, unOrdinary, True Beauty, Eleceed, Lets Play, Sub-Zero, Down to Earth, Suitor Armor, Reunion
Make sure to sign up to the website for FREE!
You can also select the Premium Tier for $5 a month to get cool perks, like EARLY podcast episodes!
Use promo code "Anniv" for 25% off to celebrate the 2-year anniversaries for Gamesthetic, AniMan+ and well... SparkE3!
Pick up some merch!  More designs on the way!

Join the official SparkE3 Discord Server! 
Note: it's still under construction! :)

If you're a content creator of any size and you want to take control of your content and take it to the next level... consider checking out our friends over at trycereal and get your website going TODAY
Tell them SparkE3 sent you!

Make sure to check out all the SparkE3 podcasts on all major platforms!



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[Intro/Outro Music]
Song from Inaudio by Infraction by subscription
Title: Manga
YouTube link to song:
Inaudio site link:
Inaudio site link for Manga:
Check out Inaudio by Infraction for all your music needs!  You can purchase songs individually or sign up for a subscription to use the entire library!
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What is AniMan+?

Welcome to AniMan+! Your weekly anime/manga podcast covering the latest news in the world! Anime episode reviews, manga chapter reviews and more!
Note: Normal AniMan+ episodes will be NONSPOILER, so all fans can come in feeling safe! For certain chapters and episodes we really want to dive deep into we'll do a separate spoiler only bonus episode all about that said topic!