Dearly Discarded - Unheard Stories of the Pandemic with Jared St. Clair

A story of faith hope and gratitude from a severely vaccine injured young man. Andre's second Moderna Injection came with severe neurological side effects. Here, Andre, his mother, and his brother offer their story. Their faith and gratitude will inspire you in an incredibly challenging life that they are now living.

Please visit React 19's website for more information on how to help these incredible people.

Please text REACT to 50155 to donate via text. 

Dearly Discarded website coming soon. 

What is Dearly Discarded - Unheard Stories of the Pandemic with Jared St. Clair?

Dearly Discarded is a podcast dedicated to people who have been silenced. We would like their voices to be heard, and so we are offering this podcast to do exactly that. These people are from all walks of life but they have one thing in common, they participated in the “safe and effective” medicine that they believed would protect them during the pandemic. Now they are injured and ignored. It is time for them to speak and be heard. Please listen with an open mind and heart. Hear these voices and share their stories with your friends and family. Welcome to the Dearly Discarded Podcast.