Zeus With Bruce

People don't follow the rules, they follow laws ... sometimes!

Here are 3 Laws you MUST follow, or at least be aware of, in order to increase your chances of empowering yourself to improve the quality of your life.

1. The Law of Familiarity  - when you get exposed to a certain person, thing, place, or even action for enough time, you become familiar with it.
2. The Law of Reciprocity - when someone does something for you, you feel obligated to reciprocate or do something in return for them.
3. Parkinson's Law - work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

No Law is necessarily good or bad but is rather a matter of fact for how life, especially human behavior, tends to work!

Use your knowledge of one of the three this week and see what happens!

For more content and ALL things Zeus With Bruce, go to https://zeuswithbruce.com/ and get in touch! Would love to hear your thoughts on this and other episodes!
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What is Zeus With Bruce?

Although commonly used as a noun, Bruce views the word Zeus when used as a verb to indicate a sense of growth from the pits of despair and empty vessels of ignorance to mountain tops of hope and knowledge. Topics include philosophy, sociology, psychology, culture, mindset, and everything else. Interviews with humans from all walks of life are included to broaden our perspectives.

At its core, Zeus with Bruce is about Embracing Wisdom and Rejecting Ignorance.