Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die

Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die Trailer Bonus Episode 17 Season 1

Ben Quilty Is Going To Die

Ben Quilty Is Going To DieBen Quilty Is Going To Die


Australian artist Ben Quilty has always been an outspoken human - passionate about art, social justice, and the general messy business of Being Human. But as someone who has had a front-row seat to death and mortality - not just through his work, but also through his activism - how does he feel about planning his own Funeral? What does he wish he'd said and refrained from saying? This is an earnest Dream Funeral from one of the country's most reflective and creative minds.

Ben Quilty is a contemporary Australian artist whose thickly painted landscapes and portraits have garnered international acclaim. Working in a style that remains both highly expressive and naturalistic, Quilty aims to delve into the emotional qualities of places and people through his gestural application of paint. Though remains distinctive in Quilty’s vivid use of spectral color. Quilty studied at Sydney College of the Arts and the University of Western Sydney. In 2011, he notably worked as an official war artist for the Australian Defense force stationed in Afghanistan, where he depicted the daily life and struggles of the soldiers through quickly executed sketches and paintings. Quilty’s works are in the collections of the Art Gallery of New South Wales in Sydney, the National Gallery of Art in Canberra, and the University of Queensland Art Museum in Brisbane, among others. The artist lives and works in Robertson, Australia.

Ben Quilty (IG @BenQuilty)

Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die is a podcast made by Marieke Hardy (IG @marieke_hardy).
You can follow at IG @GoingToDiePod

Music by Lord Fascinator (IG @lordfascinator)
Produced by Darren Scarce (IG @Dazz26)
Video edits by Andy Nedelkovski (IG @AndyNeds)
Artwork by Lauren Egan (IG @heylaurenegan)
Photography by Eamon Leggett (IG @anxietyoptions)

With thanks to Amelia Chappelow (IG @ameliachappelow)
Camilla McKewen (IG @CamillaLucyLucy)
and Rhys Graham (IG @RhysJGraham)

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Whilst acknowledging the privilege that comes with having the space to discuss death and mortality, we want to also recognise that discussing these topics can raise some  wounds. Should you wish to seek extra support, please consider the following resources:

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Creators & Guests

Marieke Hardy
I mean well and don't you ever fucking forget it. She/Her

What is Marieke Hardy Is Going To Die?

Hello, my name is Marieke Hardy and I’m Going To Die. But that’s ok, because so are you. And so is everybody you know, including - and trust me, I’m as conflicted about this as you are - your dog. It’s confronting, especially in the brutal world we’re all doing our best to survive, but I believe there’s something important about this universal experience we’re all having together that worth interrogating. Join me as I speak to a variety of interesting, beautiful, imperfect humans (who are definitely going to die) and help them plan their dream funerals as they reflect on their lives, their longings, and how best to navigate this intense ride.