Another Zelda Podcast

Another Zelda Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 21 Season 2

S2 EP21 | Favorite Side Quests in Twilight Princess

S2 EP21 | Favorite Side Quests in Twilight PrincessS2 EP21 | Favorite Side Quests in Twilight Princess


Kate and David talk about some of their favorite sidequests in Twilight Princess.
HOSTS: David Geisler, Kate May
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Find a bunch of great extras on our Patreon page:
@anotherzeldapodcast on Instagram and @anotherzeldapod on Twitter.

This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2019

Show Notes

Kate and David talk about some of their favorite sidequests in Twilight Princess.

HOSTS: David Geisler, Kate May

Check out our website:

Find a bunch of great extras on our Patreon page:

@anotherzeldapodcast on Instagram and @anotherzeldapod on Twitter.

This has been a production of Sixfive Media 2019

Creators & Guests

David Geisler

What is Another Zelda Podcast?

It’s a secret to everybody. | Another Zelda Podcast is a show wherein we talk about all things regarding The Legend of Zelda series!