Matt Ready Hosts The Mindful Activist

A brand new group facilitation method beginning with God, Politics, and Power.

Show Notes

  1. Invite others to join your facilitated exercise.
  2. Any who agree explain:
    1. You are offering to facilitate.
    2. Anyone should leave if at any point they feel like doing so.
    3. You may also step outside the facilitated area and observe if you wish to do so at any time.
  3. The faciliator will stop whenever s/he feels like stopping.
  4. Everyone participating form a blob in front of the facilitator.
  5. Facilitator points to their left and says, "This area is for people who believe in God.", points to the right, "This area is for people who do not believe in God." points in front of the facilitator, "This area is for everyone else."
  6. Facilitator waits as long as s/he wants for people to sort themselves.  
  7. (Advanced) Facilitator is free to ask any question of anyone.
  8. Facilitator addresses the middle group.
    1. Of those in the middle between the God believers and the Athiests, do you believe in an afterlife?  Group like this:
      1. Left : Yes
      2. Right: No
      3. Middle: others
    2. Facilitator addresses the others:  Those between believing in an afterlife and not, do you believe we might be living inside a computer simulation such as those depicted in movies and stories like The Matrix?
      1. Left: yes
      2. Right: no
      3. Middle: others
    3. Facilitator again addresses the others:  Those who neither believe nor disbelieve in God, those that neither believe nor disbelieve in an afterlife, and those that neither believe nor disbelieve in simulation Theory, Who do you look to for moral authority?
      1. Left: other people
      2. Right: yourself
      3. Middle: other answers
    4. Facilitator then asks of all other groups, the same question.
  9. Facilitator then asks all those who are their own moral authority to group together.  Then asks them:
    1. What is your moral opinion on:
      1. The Louisiana Purchase.  France claims to own massive amounts of Native American occupied lands and sells it to the United States.
      2. Aug 23, 1871 Port Townsend Washington, a couple federal troops and local authorities forced all residents of a Native American village to leave.  They then burned the village.
      3. The Jefferson County Recording Fiasco 2014-present
      4. Hong Kong today.  Should China allow Hong Kong to be independent?
      5. Tibet?
      6. Taiwan?
      7. Ukraine
      8. Eddie Murphy vs David Spade.  How can we heal this divide?

What is Matt Ready Hosts The Mindful Activist?

Activist Artist Philosopher Politician Author Matt Ready hosts this one of a kind internet dialogue between him, himself, and the daring few who join his crazy journey. The series that has sat on youtube for years is now finally within reach of the Itunes hive mind. Come ye many talk podcast nuts! Let's get things started.