ESSB podcast episodes

What does the gender gap in academia look like? How is it experienced? And what does it entail? Ph.D. candidate Daphne den Helden and professor Hanan El Marroun, the president of VENA (Erasmus MC network of women academics), joined us to explore these questions. By sharing theoretical and practical insights, they highlighted their personal struggles and the positive changes they witnessed. Most importantly, they addressed how we could tackle the gender gap together.

Show Notes

What does the gender gap in academia look like? How is it experienced? And what does it entail? Ph.D. candidate Daphne den Helden and professor Hanan El Marroun, the president of VENA (Erasmus MC network of women academics), joined us to explore these questions. By sharing theoretical and practical insights, they highlighted their personal struggles and the positive changes they witnessed. Most importantly, they addressed how we could tackle the gender gap together. 

What is ESSB podcast episodes?

Bij Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) wordt veel onderzoek gedaan naar maatschappelijke en gedragswetenschappelijke vraagstukken. Door middel van deze podcast serie maken we deze kennis toegankelijk voor geïnteresseerde burgers, bestuurders, professionals, studenten en collega onderzoekers.
De diversiteit van de faculteit reflecteert zich in de varieteit aan onderwerpen die op deze podcast serie te vinden is.
[incl DPECS Podcast serie met verhalen over wetenschappelijke ontwikkelingen bij psychologie en pedagogische wetenschappen)

At Erasmus School of Social and Behavioural Sciences (ESSB) a lot of research is done on social and behavioral science issues. This podcast series makes this knowledge accessible to interested citizens, administrators, professionals, students, and fellow researchers.