The DOC Podcast

Orthodontists truly can change lives!!!  Don't miss this interview with the parents of a 6 y.o. patient (Lauren) who was suffering from sleep-disordered breathing.  We'll discuss:

• How Dr. Mike determined that an airway issue existed.
• Mom’s reaction when Dr. Mike asked her if Lauren was mouth breathing and/or snoring.
• What the pediatric ENT told mom and dad about Laruen’s breathing issues and why the tonsils and adenoids weren’t the problem.
• How mom and dad saw their daughter’s energy and temperament change as a result of her sleep-disordered breathing.
• What mom’s thoughts were when Dr. Mike told her that we were going to expand Laruen’s arches with traditional braces and wires instead of expanders.
• Lauren’s experience getting and having braces, including how her peers reacted.
• How Lauren's dad, who is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist and extremely knowledgeable about airway and the impact of expansion on airway patency, saw his daughter’s breathing change a few months into orthodontic treatment and the impact that had on her overall health and well-being. 
• The amazing esthetic benefit Laruen received from her Phase I braces and how that impacted her self-confidence.
• Phase I retainers and whether or not the results of Phase I archwire expansion have been stable since the braces were removed 2.5 years ago.
• How Lauren’s mom's experience with braces and extractions as an adolescent compare to Lauren's experience with braces as a younger child.
• What mom would say to practitioners who are not using braces and wires in Phase I to develop arches, eliminate crowding, and improve airway patency.

What is The DOC Podcast?

In The DOC Podcast, you’ll receive unique educational content taught by Dr. Mike DeLuke, a Board Certified Orthodontist with over 20 years of clinical experience. Dr. DeLuke built his orthodontic practice from scratch in the early 2000s and grew it into a multimillion-dollar enterprise in less than 10 years. Throughout his career, Dr. DeLuke has also served as a faculty member at numerous hospitals and orthodontic residency programs around the country, including as the cleft craniofacial orthodontist at Albany Medical Center in New York.

In addition to great educational content, The DOC Podcast will bring you in-depth discussions and interviews with industry leaders and experts on a variety of topics including clinical excellence, practice management, finance, and wealth creation, accounting, health and wellness, fitness, and more, as well as Dr. Mike's Motivational Mondays to get your week started off on a positive note!