The Lamer Gamers go on a RING FAT ADVENTURE! Watch it over on Youtube at
The guys go to simplyTravis' HOUSE OF GAINS (in an atrociously lame skit) to unbox and play Ring Fit Adventure! In this video the Lamer Gamers break open the box and give their impressions of what it's like to play the game including some alternatives for people who may be getting a bit up in age with bad knees. They also might have the occasional Ring Con tug of war contest...
After the unboxing and impressions Rowdy5000 plays through the first few levels to give you an idea of what the quality of the game is and how it plays. Will this game be too strenuous for you? Is it game enough or is it just lame? Watch the video to find out!
Hello Lamer Gamers! We host a gaming podcast where our main quest is to have fun and give you a combination of gaming news, views, rumors, along with special BONUS POINTS topic where we reach out to the Lamer Community to gather other points of view on hot gaming topics. Now with ridiculous gaming parody commercials!
Podcasts that don't follow these two formats are considered SIDEQUEST episodes with a specific focus such as rantings, ravings, reviews, spoilercasts, "nerd alerts", Top 10's, games vs history, and more!