The HisTerical Society Feminist Podcast

Varuni Sinha joins us to discuss her newly released memoir, 'Golden Handcuffs:  An Immigrants Pursuit of Happiness'..  She shares her struggle to assimilate in the US as the spouse of an immigrant with an H1-B visa but very limited autonomy of her own.  Her journey to persevere through a dark time of depression and questioning her own self worth can inspire hope in anyone struggling to find purpose in life. 

Varuni Sinha is a New York City-based writer and multimedia producer. She has written for The Post and Courier, Time Out New York, and created 360-degree campaigns for global brands such as Yamaha and Panasonic. A former guest lecturer at the University of Delhi, she taught “Race and Politics Through Literature” and wrote a dissertation on the history of Indian comic superheroes, tracing their origin story to Hindu gods and their American cousins. Her paintings have been displayed in solo and group exhibitions in galleries across India.

Golden Handcuffs: An Immigrant's Pursuit of Happiness is available on her website:, on Amazon, Ingram and Barnes and Noble. 

What is The HisTerical Society Feminist Podcast?

The overturning of Roe v Wade has rocked women of the United States. I captured the moment in pro-choice documentary WE'RE NOT GOING BACK! which premiered in October, 2022 ahead of the November election. Since then, I've been tracking the horrible state-level legislation in red states as they march towards fascism blog and podcast, which offers interviews and discussions on feminist issues plaguing people in the US.