Everything At Random

In this episode of Everything At Random, I dive deep into the murky waters of right and wrong, exploring the fine line between doing bad things for the right reasons and letting those actions define who we are. Drawing from a profound conversation with a friend in the military, we discuss the tough choices made in service to a greater good and the lingering questions about morality that follow. I also reflect on my own past mistakes, the people I’ve hurt, and the regrets that shape my journey toward becoming a better person. We’ll explore whether acknowledging and regretting our wrongs can make us good people after all. Plus, I share a personal story about my father, who, in his older age, has come to recognize the wrongs of his past and wishes he could have lived a life that didn’t require such choices. Join me as I unpack these heavy truths and search for clarity in the gray areas of life.

What is Everything At Random?

welcome to "Everything at Random," where we talk about... well, everything, at random! I'm your host Jonathan, and I'm here to share my thoughts and experiences on life, love, mental health, or anything else that comes to mind. This is a place where you can learn, grow, cry, laugh, and feel like you're just hanging out with a friend. So, without further ado, let's get fucking into it.