Opening Weekend

“And the Oscar for Best Performance of 1987 goes to…Willy The Chimp!” It’s April 17th, 1987 and the boys are going ape for PROJECT X and getting H.I. off of RAISING ARIZONA. Grab your Huggies, mind your fontanelle and climb aboard a plane full of monkeys. Destination: Episode 46 of Opening Weekend!

Show Notes

“And the Oscar for Best Performance of 1987 goes to…Willy The Chimp!” It’s April 17th, 1987 and the boys are going ape for PROJECT X and getting H.I. off of RAISING ARIZONA.  Grab your Huggies, mind your fontanelle  and climb aboard a plane full of monkeys. Destination: Episode 46 of Opening Weekend!

In April of 1987, Nicholas Cage and Holly Hunter were stealing babies, but it was Willie the Chimp who was stealing Jason, Dan, and Fred’s hearts.  If you can find three grown men who squeal louder at the sight of a primate flipping the bird, then my name ain’t Nathan Arizona! And speaking of squealing, who DID squeal louder? a) Fred, while banging his pre-mulleted head at his first Iron Maiden concert  b) Dan, while banging his head against the top turnbuckle at the WANG Wrestling Federation Coliseum (i.e. his bedroom) c)Jason, while banging his head trying to do his best Church Lady impression or d) WHO CARES?!?! WE WANT MORE WILLIE!!! It’s an episode full of kidnappers and  kid rappers, yodeling and chimps and Yodas and shit! Turn to the left, ‘cus that sumbitch Episode 46 of Opening Weekend is set to pop and releasing itself on it’s own recognizance! 

What is Opening Weekend?

In a world where cinemas have closed their doors (at least for the time being), "Opening Weekend" celebrates one of the many things we’d all love to be doing right now - going to the movies on a Friday night with our friends... Every week, Jason O'Connell, Fred Berman, and Dan Matisa (best friends, professional actors, and self-professed movie geeks) look back at a different opening weekend from the last 40 years, and bask in the warm, nostalgic, popcorn-buttery glow of going to the movies.