Enriching Education

Children should be in an environment that helps them learn and grow, but many educational system challenges detract from their evaluation and placement. Testing can be unreliable as a standalone assessment, and an incomplete evaluation can stunt child development.

Dr. Edward Schultz, Professor of Special Education at Midwestern State University, paints a nuanced picture of an educational system grappling with a surge of evaluations propelled by the reverberations of COVID-19, teacher shortages, and socioeconomic pressures. A seasoned expert in special education, Dr. Schultz goes deep into the heart of educational assessment, challenging the status quo of norm reference testing and calling for a more mindful approach that honors each student's unique narrative.

This episode recognizes the delicate balance between support and stigma, between classification and understanding, and the vital role education plays in shaping academic journeys and life stories for children.

Tune in to hear:

  1. How accurate evaluations are crucial to avoid unnecessary labeling and ensure students who genuinely need additional support receive it.
  2. How an enhanced focus on early identification and intervention in the general education setting can significantly reduce the later need for special education services.
  3. Why schools should supply cohesive support for students who may not qualify for special education but still require instructional assistance. 

Timestamped overview:

[04:29] Why curriculum casualties lead to subjective disability identification

[08:10] An increase in referrals means a need for emphasis on early identification

[13:06] What accommodations can be made for students who don't qualify

[16:06] How early identification and labeling benefit or harm 

[19:27] Why the pressure to qualify kids as disabled is concerning

[21:38] The challenges of over-identifying special education needs

[24:54] Addressing social and educational problems through laws.

[30:07] The need for procedural and educational support

[31:44] How to approach policy and learning explanations with parents

[38:10] The problem with reliance on standardized testing for evaluation

[44:42] Considering other factors in evaluating a child’s needs

[46:34] Addressing fear-based decisions with a data-driven approach

[48:26] How to look beyond test scores for a holistic view


Dr. Tammy Stephens’ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tammy-l-stephens-ph-d-406366b0/

Dr. Edward Schultz - https://directory.msutexas.edu/users/edwardschultz 

Riverside Insights website: https://www.riversideinsights.com/

What is Enriching Education?

Every student deserves an enriched education.

No matter where they live, what their innate skills are, or what they aspire to be, each student has an inherent right to not only education, but enriched education.

From the company that created clinical and special education products like the BDI, Woodcock Johnson, and more comes a show for educators and evaluators who are striving to enrich the lives of their unique students every day. The team at Riverside Insights knows what it’s like to run a classroom filled with varying skills, talents, and levels. Enriching Education is a show filled with conversations to help you gain deeper understanding and enrich the lives of each and every student.